Our plugin for WordPress connects your Mind Map Pro account with your WordPress site, allowing you to create visual sitemaps and manage the development of your website using the integrated task management agile board. Improve communications between your development team and stakeholders.
Download the plugin: Mind Map Pro Visual Sitemaps & Tasks.
Tasks can be added directly from the WordPress dashboard and used in Mind Map Pro’s task board. Learn more about the task board here.
Tasks for your site
To add or view tasks, select the ‘Tasks’ option in the WordPress dashboard.

This will show you the tasks relating your entire site. You can see how many tasks are in the backlog, or are active, for each page on your site.
You can also see the total number of tasks for your site in the top right-hand corner.

On the right hand-side of each page, there are two blue buttons:
- Tasks – click this button to drill down into the tasks for that page
- Manage – click this button to manage your tasks in Mind Map Pro
Tasks per page
Another way to see the tasks relating to a single page is to hover over the page in the visual sitemap and click the tick icon in the icon panel.

Add new
You can add new tasks a number of ways:
1. Click ‘Add New’, the fourth option in the column under Mind Map Pro in your dashboard

2. When viewing Tasks, click the ‘Add New’ button at the top of the page

3. Open the drop down list ‘+ New’ at the top of the screen and select ‘Tasks’

4. Add tasks from Mind Map Pro
Task details
You can add the following task details:
- Link to a specific page
- Add task title
- Select task type
- Specify priority
- Add task description
- Set time estimate
- Assign the person responsible
To finish, click the green ‘Save Task’ button.

Once you’ve added a task, you’ll be redirected to the ‘Tasks’ page, showing tasks that are specific to that page.
From here, you can see:
- What the task is
- Which page it relates to
- Who it is assigned to
- What status it is at, and
- Which sprint it is a part of

Tasks in Mind Map Pro
If you visit the ‘Tasks’ section from the WordPress dashboard, you will see a list of all the tasks created for the website.
You’ll notice a Mind Map Pro icon on the right of the task. Click this icon to open the task in Mind Map Pro in order to see more detail or edit the task. Learn more about adding or editing tasks in Mind Map Pro.
From here, you can navigate to Mind Map Pro’s task board.

Open a Doodle and click on the task management icon, resembling a grid, located in the panel at the top of the screen. This will open the Kanban-style task board.

To move a task, click and hold your mouse on the task, then drag and drop tasks along the board.