To manage your tasks, open a Doodle and click on the task management icon, resembling a grid, located in the panel at the top of the screen.

This will open your task board. Learn more about the task board here.
Your task board includes a backlog on the left of the screen. This is where you can store tasks until you decide to move them to a sprint.

A sprint is a period of time for specific work to be completed and made ready for review. Each sprint is made up of lots of small tasks, which are assigned to different team members.
Your task board includes a sprint on the right of the screen, which is made up of a range of columns representing different stages of progress.

Learn more about sprints here.
Move a task to a sprint
To move a task to a sprint, use your mouse to click and drag the task across to the sprint and drop it in the appropriate column. Choose the column that matches the stage of progress of the task.
Update the task board as you progress through the sprint. Drag and drop to move your tasks across to the column that matches the status of the task.

Edit tasks
You can edit the details of a task, update the user assignment, add remaining time estimates and more.
Use your mouse to hover over the task to reveal the icon panel and click the edit icon, resembling a pencil.

Learn more about adding and editing tasks here.
Quick interactions
Some edits and interactions can happen directly from the task board. These include:
- Share task in chat
- Delete task
- Assign task
Share task in chat
To share the task in chat, use your mouse to hover over the task, then click on the chat icon, resembling a speech bubble.

Once you click the chat icon, the task will post and the chat window will open on the right hand side of the screen.
Each idea in your Doodle has its own chat thread. For easy context and reference, the chat thread your task will be shared in is for the idea your task is connected to. Using chat, you can send messages, attach media files or use emojis. Learn more about chat here.
To close the chat screen, use the cross icon in the top right hand corner of the chat window.
Alternatively, you can close the chat window by clicking on the chat icon at the top of the screen, which will be highlighted when the chat window is open.

Delete task
To delete a task, use your mouse to hover over the task, then click on the delete icon, resembling a trash can.

This will prompt a pop-up window asking you to confirm your decision.
Assign task
You can quickly assign a task to a team member from the task board.
Click on the task title once to expand the details.

Use the drop-down menu to reveal a list of team members.

Click on the team member that you would like to assign the task. Click on the task again to minimise the details.
Priority and time estimate
You can also see the task priority and time estimate when you look at a task in the task board.

See your tasks
The default view of the task board shows all tasks for all team members in all sprints.
You can update the view to show only the tasks that are assigned to you.
Click on the eye icon, located at the top of the backlog.

This will hide all tasks that are not assigned to you in the backlog, allowing you to focus on your own progress and priorities, which can be particularly helpful on a busy board.
To reveal all tasks, click on the eye icon again.
See specific tasks in a sprint
Similarly, you can update the view to show only your own tasks or another team member’s tasks in a sprint.
Click on the user icon, resembling a person, located at the top of the sprint.

Type to search, or use the drop down menu to select a team member to focus on.

This will hide all tasks that are not assigned to the chosen team member in the sprint. This is helpful for assessing the workloads for different members of your team.
To reveal all tasks again, click on the cross icon. Alternatively, click on the triangle pointing downwards to use the drop-down list to switch to another team member’s tasks.

Export tasks
You can quickly export your tasks from your task board.
Once you click export, the tasks will automatically download as a CSV file, which you can open in a variety of spreadsheet tools, such as Apple’s Numbers or MS Office Excel.
Export tasks from backlog
To export tasks from your backlog, click on the export icon, resembling a box border around an arrow pointing down, located at the top of the backlog.

Export tasks from a sprint
To export tasks from a sprint, click on the export icon, resembling a box border around an arrow pointing down, located at the top of the sprint.

As your backlog expands with tasks, you may need to search the backlog or a sprint to find a specific task.
Search backlog
Click on the search icon, resembling a magnifying glass, located at the top of the backlog.

This will open a search box where you can type keywords. The backlog will only show tasks that come up in the results.
Search sprint
Click on the search icon, resembling a magnifying glass, located at the top of the sprint.

This will open a search box where you can type keywords. The sprint will only show tasks that come up in the results.
Search all sprints
If you can’t see the task you’re looking for after searching for a keyword in a sprint, you can expand the search to all sprints.

Click on the icon resembling a funnel on the right hand side of the text box.
This will automatically expand the search across all sprints. Click the icon a second time to stop searching across all sprints.
Search criteria
Another option is to choose which sprints you want to search before the search takes place.
Click on the settings icon, resembling a cog, at the top of the sprint.

Use the drop-down list to select all sprints or choose a specific sprint that you want to focus on for your search.

Next up, learn more about creating and managing sprints.