You can enhance productivity by using the task board to define, prioritise and schedule tasks to be completed by your team.
Open a Doodle and click on the task management icon, resembling a grid, located in the panel at the top of the screen.

Your task board includes a backlog on the left of the screen, where you can hold tasks until you assign them to a sprint, by dragging them over to the right of the screen.
From your task board, you can edit your settings, add or edit tasks and sprints, and continue discussions with your team using live chat.
Board settings
To customise your task board, click the settings icon, resembling a cog and located at the top left of your backlog.

There are various options for customising your task board:
- Status
- Task types
- Priorities
- Estimation measurement unit
- Board estimation view
Each sprint has various status options, which are presented as different columns within a sprint. Tasks are moved between statuses when a user drags and drops tasks into different columns, moving them across the board.
Task statuses improves connectivity between team members, who can all see the progress of each task in a sprint.
The default settings are:
- Not Started
- In Progress
- Ready To Test
- Failed
- Completed

To update a status, highlight the text and type new text into the box.
To change the order of statuses, navigate a status up or down using the arrows on the left-hand side.

To delete a status, click the trash icon on the right-hand side.

To add a new status, use the green ‘Add Record’ button on the bottom right corner of the screen.

Task types
Task types help teams to categorise their tasks by selecting the topic their task fits into.
You can update your task types to suit your project.
From task settings, select the middle tab called ‘Task Types’.
The default settings are:
- Improvement
- New Feature
- Bug
- Other

To update a task type, highlight the text and type new text into the box.
To change the order of task types, navigate a task type up or down using the arrows on the left-hand side.

To change the colour of a task, click on the coloured square at the end of the text box.

Click your mouse to select a colour, or type/paste a colour code and press the enter key.

One task type can be set as default. This is helps team members create tasks more quickly, especially when one task type is more common than others.
To set a task type as default, click the blue ‘Set To Default’ button. Review the task type that is currently set as default by looking for the task with ‘Default’ in line with it.

To delete a task type, click the red trash icon on the far right-hand side.

To add a new task type, use the green ‘Add Record’ button on the bottom right corner of the screen.

You can update your priorities to suit your project.
From task settings, select the final tab on the right, called ‘Priorities’.
The default settings are:
- Nuclear
- High
- Medium
- Low

You can change these in the same way as the task types, to suit your needs.
To update a priority, highlight the text and type new text into the box.
To change the order of priorities, navigate a task type up or down using the arrows on the left-hand side.

To change the colour of a priority, click on the coloured square at the end of the text box.

Click your mouse to select a colour, or type/paste a colour code and press the enter key.

To set a priority as default, click the blue ‘Set To Default’ button. Review the priority that is currently set as default by looking for the task with ‘Default’ in line with it.

To delete a priority, click the red trash icon on the far right-hand side.

To add a new priority, use the green ‘Add Record’ button on the bottom right corner of the screen.

Estimation measurement unit
On the top left-hand side of the task settings page, there is a drop-down menu for setting your preferred estimation measurement unit.
Click on the triangle at the end of the blue bar to open the update the estimation measurement unit.
Use the drop down list to set the measurement unit, choosing between:
- Hour
- Day

Board estimation view
Customising your board estimation view helps you determine how tasks are visually presented in the task board, based on time estimations.
Choose between the following options:
- ‘No Color Change’ – Click this button if you do not want any visual change for tasks with or without time estimates
- ‘Color For Sprints’ – Click this button if you want a visual change for tasks without time estimates, only when tasks have been added to sprints
- ‘Color For Sprints And Backlog’ – Click this button if you want a visual change for tasks without time estimates, both in the backlog and in sprints

Once you have customised your task settings, you can head back to the task board by clicking ‘Back to Board’ in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Task ordering
To order tasks in the backlog, click on the ‘Order Backlog’ icon, resembling two arrows, one facing upwards and one facing downwards.

Once you have clicked on the icon, you will see four options for ordering your Task Backlog:
- Manual
- Business Value
- Newest
- Oldest

Click on your choice to make your selection.
Task prioritization
To prioritize tasks in your backlog, click on the ‘See More’ icon, resembling a row of three horizontal dots.

This will reveal more icons. For task prioritization, click on the ‘Prioritization’ icon, resembling data points on a chart.

The next screen you see will show you a chart highlighting the tasks you should prioritize, based on:
- Best value for money! Tasks to complete first
- Quick-wins, simple to do and cheap to complete
- A major undertaking that is needed but expensive
- Lots of effort for something that is not critical for the business
Each task prioritization is based on a combination of:
- Time estimate
- Priority
- Complexity
- Risk
- Work needed
- Magnitude of task
Click on a task in the chart to see the details of that task.
Learn about adding and editing tasks or about managing tasks.