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Chat with your team

Use live chat to enhance team collaboration.

Mind Map Pro’s integrated chat tool allows conversations to flow, connecting teams through contextual discussions about specific ideas or general project-wide discussions.

Idea chat

To start chatting, hover over an idea or click on it once to reveal the icon panel. Learn more about the icon panel.

Click on the chat icon, resembling a speech bubble.

Screenshot highlights the icon for opening a chat thread connected to an idea

Each individual idea in a Doodle has its own chat thread. This helps teams to have contextual discussions, which can be referred back to easily.

Send messages

Type your message into the text box at the bottom of the chat.

Use your keyboard to press enter or use your mouse to click the ‘Send’ icon, resembling a paper airplane, to send your message.

Screenshot highlights the icon for sending a chat message
Please note

Anyone in your team who has been granted access to this Doodle will be able to read your message.

Edit messages

To edit a message you sent in chat, use your mouse to hover over the message and select the edit icon, resembling a pencil.

Screenshot shows the icon for editing a message in chat

The message will re-appear in the text box, where you can make your edits.

Screenshot shows a message being edited before it is republished in chat

Press enter or click send and the message will update.

Screenshot shows the icon for deleting a chat message

Delete messages

To delete a message you sent in chat, use your mouse to hover over the message and select the delete icon, resembling a trash can.

Screenshot highlights the icon for deleting a chat message

Re-share messages

You can re-share another team member’s message with your reply to improve context in a busy chat.

Hover your mouse over the message you want to share. Click on the arrow icon that appears.

Screenshot shows the icon for re-sharing a message in chat

You will see the message above the text box, where you can type your response. When you press enter, or click send, both your message and the shared messages will be sent together.

Screenshot shows a shared message in chat

Send images and files

To transfer images and other files through, either:

  • Drag and drop the file into the text box to automatically send it, or
  • Click on the attach file icon, resembling a paper clip, on the left of the text box and select your file.
Screenshot shows icon for attaching a file to chat

Send emojis

You can send emojis as you chat. Either use keyword shortcuts for common emojis, or choose from hundreds of emojis by clicking on the emoji icon.

Screenshot shows the icon for sending an emoji

Scroll using your mouse or use a keyword search to find and select the emoji you want to use.

Screenshot shows emojis

When you share web links in your messages, these become automatically hyperlinked to help you and your team access the web pages with a simple click.


Unread messages

The unread message icon will appear in two places when you have an unread message.

  1. Next to the idea on the mind map
  2. At the bottom of the chat window when it is open
Screenshot shows unread comments in chat

When you click on the unread message icon, you will be taken directly to that chat thread, where you can read and respond to the new message.

On-screen notifications

When you have been tagged in a message, an on-screen notification will pop-up to notify you. Click on the notification to see the message.

Tag users

Alert other team members about an important message by tagging them.

To tag a team member, type @ followed by their username.

Alternatively, type @ and then select the user you wish to tag from the drop down list.

Screenshot shows process of tagging users by typing @ followed by their name

View all messages

To see all messages sent in your chat, hover over your central idea and click the chat icon.

Click on the lightbulb icon at the top of the screen.

Screenshot highlights all messages icon

This will reveal all chat threads for child ideas. Seeing as all ideas spread from the central idea, this reveals all messages in the Doodle.

You can also focus in on all messages in a particular section of your Doodle, by repeating this process from another parent idea.

Pin messages

Pin important messages that you want to make easy to find in the future.

Send a messages and hover over it, then click the pin icon. Once the message is pinned, you will see the pin icon underneath your avatar.

Screenshot highlights icon for pinning a chat message

All pinned messages

View all pinned messages by opening the chat for your central idea, then clicking the pin icon at the top of the screen.

Screenshot highlights pinned messages icon

This will bring up results from pinned messages across all ideas connected to the central idea.

Screenshot demonstrates a pinned chat message

You can also focus in on all pinned messages in a particular section of your Doodle, by repeating this process from another parent idea.

Search chat history

Use the search icon, resembling a magnifying glass, located at the top of the chat window to search through messages and find information easily.

Screenshot highlights search chat icon

Type keywords into the search bar and use your keyboard to press enter or click the blue ‘Search’ button to being the search.

Your search results will display the most recent results at the top.

Switch chat threads

Easily switch between chat threads by pressing the arrow next to the idea title at the top of the chat window, then using the drop-down list to select the new chat thread you’d like to view.

Screenshot demonstrates selecting a new idea to change the chat thread

Close chat window

When you’ve finished chatting, either click the X on the chat window or click the speech bubble icon at the top of the screen to hide the chat.

Screenshot shows the chat icon

Slack integration

Our integration for Slack means you can connect a Slack channel with a Mind Map Pro team to send and receive messages across platforms. Learn more about our Slack integration.

Updated on February 22, 2019

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