You can easily share work you’ve done in Mind Map Pro with co-workers, clients, stakeholders and friends.
There are a few options to choose from, meaning you select whichever feels like the right fit for the audience you’re sharing it with.
The options are:
- Set your Doodle as public
- Invite team members to collaborate
- Export the Doodle to MS Word, PowerPoint or Project
- Save the mind map as an image (PNG file) to share
Public Doodle
If you are not working with confidential information, you might want to share your mind map with the world by making your mind map public.
It doesn’t matter whether you intentionally created your mind map as public content, or decided you wanted to share your project after completing it. You can update whether a Doodle is set to public or private with a couple of clicks.
Why choose a public Doodle?
- Dynamic storytelling
- Shareable content
- Lasting digital resource
What sort of content suits a public Doodle?
- Brand marketing
- Creative portfolios
- Revision and visual essays
- Wikis and help guides
Set your Doodle as public
It’s very simple to make your Doodle public as a quick way to share it with colleagues, clients, contacts and friends.
Start by mind mapping as usual, then either:
- Click the save icon
- Click on the name of your Doodle

You will be shown a pop-up window with an option to ‘Make this Doodle public’. Select the check-box to make the Doodle public and click save to confirm.

Invite team members
Inviting team members is another great way to share your Doodle. This option is best if you want to encourage input or comments from another person. Learn more about how to create and manage teams.
Open your Doodle and click on the ‘Manage Users’ icon, resembling a person with a plus sign next to it, located at the top of the screen.

To invite someone new, enter the person’s name and email address and click ‘Invite’.

You can determine the level of access you want to give this person by dragging their name into the Commentator, Contributor or Editor column.

By specifying their privileges, you retain full control of whether they can comment on, contribute to or have full edit rights of your Doodle.
User roles
Here’s a quick guide to help you decide which role is best:
As the name suggests, Commentators can comment on mind maps, but they do not have access to add ideas, delete ideas or edit the content of the mind map in any way. That includes changing colors or rearranging ideas around the Doodle.
A Commentator can join conversations in live chat, which includes threads in any of the ideas in your Doodle. They can upload images and videos into the chat box too, to help explain their points during discussions.
The commentator role is appropriate for an individual who you’d like to review your Doodle, or discuss certain ideas with, but doesn’t require access to add to ideas or develop the mind map.
A Contributor can contribute to a Doodle, adding and editing their own ideas, but cannot edit other people’s ideas.
This is an effective role for encouraging collaboration whilst ensuring that nobody accidentally deletes ideas or important information within the Doodle.
The Contributor role works particularly well for Doodles with a large number of users who are mind mapping together, for example at a conference or workshop.
The Editor role provides the most freedom for the majority of users who are working in other people’s teams. For example, a Project Manager may invite several team members to join their team, giving them Editor rights so that everyone in the team can add, edit, delete and develop ideas in any way.
Editors have access to work within the Doodle with minimum restriction. They can add, edit and delete ideas, chat, store images and files, and add tasks.
The only two thing an Editor is not able to do is change user roles in a Doodle they did not create. These privileges are only available for a Doodle Owner or Team Admin.
Update user roles
When you’ve decided on the role you want to assign, drag and drop the user’s name into the corresponding column.
For security and tightened control, user roles must be chosen for each Doodle.
Export your Doodle
It’s easy to export your Doodle to a variety of MS Office documents, such as Word, PowerPoint and Project.
Develop your mind map by adding notes and images to the ‘detailed view’ of each idea. Any notes or images added into the notes section of your ideas will be exported with your Doodle.
Click the ‘Export’ icon, resembling a download sign, located on the left hand side of your screen.

Click W for Word, PPT for PowerPoint or PRJ for Project and your export will automatically download to your device.

Save as an image
The final option is to save your mind map to your device as an image file in PNG format, which you can choose to email, print, publish online or any distribute in any way you like.
Firstly, ensure you are looking at your Doodle in the view you want to export, choosing between:
- Mind map view, or
- Tree view
Click the ‘Export’ icon, resembling a download sign, located on the left hand side of your screen.
Click PNG and your image will automatically download to your device.
Start sharing
Share your Doodle with anyone in the world, choosing the option that best suits you.