A sprint represents a set period of time during which selected tasks are scheduled for the team to complete. The duration of a sprint is typically short (e.g. 2 weeks) to ensure the allocated workload is split into manageable chunks of work.
To create and manage sprints, first open a Doodle. Click on the task management icon, resembling a grid, located in the panel at the top of the screen.

This will open your task board. Learn more about the task board here.
Create a sprint
To create a new sprint, click on the sprint icon, resembling a sprinter and a plus sign, located at the top of the backlog, next to the settings icon.

A new window will appear, where you can input the details of the sprint.

Sprint title
To change the title of the sprint, highlight the default text and start typing.
Start and end dates
Click on the default start date to reveal the calendar picker and select a new date. Repeat the process for the end date.
Max work per sprint
You can choose to set a maximum amount of work per sprint if you wish.
For example, if your sprint covers the duration of one week, you may know the maximum number of hours your team can complete in one week.
To provide a maximum work unit, either type a number into the box or use the arrows to increase or decrease the number until you reach the correct value.
Active sprint
When you create a sprint, you can choose whether it is an active sprint or a non-active sprint (which could be a future sprint).
Click the box with the green border beside ‘Active Sprint’ so that it becomes a filled green box.

Once you have created the sprint, you’ll see that active sprints are green but non-active sprints are blue.

Once you have completed all fields, click the green ‘Create’ button.

The new sprint will be added to your task board. Multiple sprints are displayed in chronological order based on the start and end dates chosen.
Edit a sprint
When you first open your task board, a default sprint will already be set up.
To edit a sprint, use your mouse to hover over the sprint heading panel. This will reveal the icon panel. Click on the edit icon, resembling a pencil.

You can update the sprint using the same options as creating a new sprint, including:
- A sprint title
- Start and end times
- Max work per sprint
- Active sprint
The start and end times of your sprint, as well as time estimates showing the amount of work remaining, will be visible on the left hand side of your sprint.
Manage sprints
There are some simple way to update the view of your sprints, or clean up your task board by deleting or archiving old sprints.
Order tasks
You can update the order of tasks in a sprint by clicking on the arrows button on the left-hand side of the sprint.

Four options will be available for you to order the tasks in your sprint:
- Priority
- Oldest
- Newest
- Custom

Click on the option you require.
Minimise sprint
You can minimise a sprint to hide the tasks by clicking on the sprint heading panel.
When you have minimised a sprint, you will only see the date of the sprint and task time remaining if you hover over the sprint with your mouse.
You can reveal all tasks again later by clicking on the sprint heading panel again.
Burndown charts
To see the burndown chart for a sprint, use your mouse to hover over the sprint heading panel. This will reveal the icon panel. Click on the burndown chart icon, resembling an arrow pointing diagonally towards the end of a graph axis.

You will be taken to a new screen with an interactive chart showing you the ideal trajectory of tasks being completed against the real progress.

Use your mouse to click and drag the chart to interact with it.
For more graphical data, click on the ‘Workload’ tab to see the workload for each team member.

You will see a visual representation of project progress with the task estimates versus how much is remaining.

If any team member has tasks without time estimates, this information will be visible at the bottom of the page.

Archive sprint
You can archive a sprint that has passed. Archiving keeps a record of your sprint, whilst keeping your agile board organised and up to date.
To archive a sprint, use your mouse to hover over the sprint heading panel. This will reveal the icon panel. Click on the archive icon, resembling an orange box.

When you archive a sprint, any tasks that are incomplete will be sent to the backlog to be reassigned.
When you have archived sprints, you can access them again by using the archived sprints icon, resembling a box with a small magnifying glass, located at the top of the backlog.

The archived sprints will appear at the top of your task board appearing grey to signify that they remain archived.
To take them out of the archive and make the sprints active again, use the archive icon again. It will have a red cross icon in the corner when to signify the sprints are still archived.
When the sprint is active again, the header will turn green.
Delete sprint
To delete an unwanted sprint, use your mouse to hover over the sprint heading panel. This will reveal the icon panel. Click on the red delete icon, resembling a trash can.

You will be prompted to confirm you want to delete the sprint with a pop-up. To delete the sprint, click ‘Yes’. If you have changed your mind, click ‘No’.
Please be aware that you cannot recover a delete sprint. Only delete a sprint if you’re confident you don’t need it.
To continue, read about managing tasks.