There are various ways to view your Doodle, including:
- Map view
- Tree view
- 3D view
On top of this, there are icons and functions that will help you adjust the way you view your ideas, including:
- Hide ideas
- Zoom
- Re-centre
- Fit-to-screen
- Move mind map
Map view
When you create a new Doodle, you’ll start off in ‘Map view’.
At the top of your screen, there is a map view icon. You can use this icon to navigate back to Map view at any time.

This view reflects what people commonly think of when they imagine a mind map. The central idea sits in the centre of the screen, with branches of ideas stemming outwards.

Tree view
You can view your mind map in ‘Tree view’.
At the top of your screen, the tree view icon is located next to the mind map view icon. You can use this icon to navigate back to Tree view at any time.

This view will show you the clear structure and hierarchy of ideas, which is not displayed as clearly in map view.

The structure of ideas in tree view also reflects the order that an export to MS Office Word, PowerPoint and Project will display ideas.
Reorder ideas
When you are using Tree view, you can reorder ideas.
Click on the idea you want to reorder, then use the arrow icons on the right hand side of your screen.

- The top arrow sends the idea to the top of the branch
- The second arrow sends the idea up one place
- The third arrow sends the idea down one place
- The bottom arrow sends the idea to the bottom of the branch
3D view
You can view your mind map in ‘3D view’.
This view allows you to see your project with a fresh perspective.
At the top of your screen, the 3D view icon is located next to the map view and tree view icons. You can use the 3D view icon to navigate to 3D view at any time.

When you click on an idea in 3D view, the mind map will automatically reposition around that idea.
In 3D view, you can:
- Manually orbit your mind map around your central idea, but clicking on the background and dragging your mouse.
- Use your mouse scroller to zoom in or out.
- Click on an idea to focus on it and preview the featured image or notes.

Hide ideas
You can temporarily hide ideas to focus your Doodle on a particular area without distraction from other branches.
To hide a branch of ideas, hover over the ‘parent’ idea and click the minus icon on the right hand side of the idea.

The ‘child’ ideas in the branch will disappear from the screen temporarily. Reveal them again by repeating this action but clicking the plus icon, located in the same place as the minus.

Alternatively, you can refresh the screen to reveal any ideas that you have hidden.
You can zoom your mind map in two ways.
- Use your mouse scroller to zoom in and out, enlarging or reducing the size of the mind map.
- Use the plus and minus icons (+/-) on the far right hand side of your screen.

After you zoom, you will see a numerical percentage near the plus and minus icons, indicating how enlarged or reduced the size of the mind map is.

You can re-centre your mind map using the re-centre icon, which resembles a target.
The re-centre icon is located on the far right hand side of your screen, below the plus and minus icons.

When you click this icon, your mind map will automatically reposition to move the central idea into the centre of the screen.
You can also adjust the view of your Doodle so that your mind map fills your screen.
Click on the fit-to-screen icon, which resembles a square frame.

The fit-to-screen icon is located on the far right hand side of your screen. It is the fourth icon in the column below the plus and minus icons for adjusting the zoom and the re-centre icon that resembles a target.
When you click this icon, your mind map will automatically reposition so that all ideas fit in the frame of your screen.
Move mind map around screen
You can move the entire mind map around your Doodle in one go.
This makes it easy reposition a large and complex mind map to focus on one area.
It also means that you can expand the ideas in any direction you like, happy in the knowledge that you can move the mind map back to the centre if your mind map grows more heavily in one direction.
To move the entire mind map, click and hold the background of your Doodle with your mouse and then drag your mind map to another space.
Release your mouse and your mind map will remain in its new position.
Learn how to reposition or reconnect ideas in your mind map.