When you create a mind map with Mind Map Pro, you aren’t limited to words or short phrases. You can add more detail to your ideas by adding notes, media and tasks to develop your ideas.
To add these details to an idea, hover over the idea or click on it once. This will reveal the icon panel. Learn more about the icon panel.
Click the pencil icon to edit the idea.

This will take you to a new screen, called ‘Detailed view’. From here, you can add:
- Notes
- Tasks
- Media
You can also connect one Doodle to another.
In the notes section, you can add text to provide extra details, elaborating or adding thorough explanation about your idea.

Start typing in the text box within the notes section.
To add emphasis, alignment or structure to your text, highlight a word, phrase or larger section of text and use the typography icons to deliver a range of actions:
- Bold
- Italics
- Underline
- Alignment (left, right, centralised, justified)
- Numbered list (ordered list)
- Bullet points (unordered list)

Media in notes
The final icon at the top of the notes section is the insert image icon.

Use this icon to select an image from your media library that you’d like to insert into the notes area.

You can also drag and drop images directly into the notes section instead of using the media tab to upload them.

Adding tasks to ideas provides context for your team and enhances productivity by keeping projects on track.
Select the ‘Tasks’ tab to add tasks to the backlog.

The tasks you add here will be connected to your idea. However, you can change which idea a task is related to when you edit the task.
Create a task by clicking the green plus sign and typing the title of the task. Save the task by pressing enter.

Edit task
Hover over the task and click on the pencil icon to edit the task and add details.

Here, you can:
- Add specific notes and media for your task
- Assign the task to a team member
- Indicate the priority and type of task
- Set time estimates
- Update which idea the task is related to
When you later visit the tasks board, you can assign your task to a specific sprint.
Learn more about adding and editing tasks.
Add task to chat
Hover over your task and click the chat icon, resembling a speech bubble, to add your task to chat.

The chat window will open, showing that the task has been shared to the chat. Any team member can click on the task in chat to be taken directly to the task details.
Learn more about chatting with your team.
Delete task
Hover over your task and click the delete icon, resembling a red trash can, to delete your task.

Click on the media tab in ‘Detailed view’ to add media files such as images, videos and other documents to your idea.

To upload media files, either:
- Click ‘Select File’ button and choose the correct file to upload
- Drag and drop your file into the box with the dotted border

When you upload a media file, make sure your files do not exceed the upload limits:
- Image file: 5MB or less
- Other file: 25MB or less
Learn more about adding media to Mind Map Pro.
Media Type
When browsing your media library, you can select the type of media you want to see, using the drop-down list:
- All
- Images
- Files

Featured image
Setting one of your images as a ‘Featured image’ will make the image appear on your mind map.
To set a featured image, hover over the image thumbnail in your gallery. Click on the star in the top right corner of the image.

When you return to your mind map, the image will appear in the idea box, which you can resize to show the image in the way you want.
Connect Doodle
You can connect one Doodle to another via an idea. To manage connections, click on the ‘Connect Doodle’ tab.

Here you can either create a new Doodle or link to an existing one.
Use the drop-down list to choose an existing Doodle. Click on the Doodle name to select it, then click the green ‘Connect’ button.

To view the connected Doodle, click the blue ‘View’ button.
To remove a connection, click the red ‘Remove’ button.

Idea details
When viewing your mind map in Map View, Tree View or 3D View, you can get quick access to your idea notes, media and tasks.
Click on the idea once, then click on the ‘Idea details’ icon, resembling three dots in a circle, located at the top of the screen.

This will open up a panel from the left hand side of the screen, providing quick access to your idea notes.

You can upload media files, add tasks and add or edit notes from here.